Tutorial: Remove the Preview Step

Note: All code examples on this site are provided for developer reference/guidance only and we cannot guarantee that they will always work as expected. Our support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from any code examples, and they may be changed or removed if we find they no longer work due to changes in our plugins.

You may want to simplify the job submission process by removing the preview step.

To do so, simply add the following code to your functions.php file or even better, use a plugin such as Code Snippets:


 * Remove the preview step. Code goes in theme functions.php or custom plugin.
 * @param  array $steps
 * @return array
function custom_submit_job_steps( $steps ) {
	unset( $steps['preview'] );
	return $steps;
add_filter( 'submit_job_steps', 'custom_submit_job_steps' );

 * Change button text (won't work until v1.16.2)
function change_preview_text() {
	return __( 'Submit Job' );
add_filter( 'submit_job_form_submit_button_text', 'change_preview_text' );

 * Since we removed the preview step and it's handler, we need to manually publish jobs
 * @param  int $job_id
function done_publish_job( $job_id ) {
	$job = get_post( $job_id );

	if ( in_array( $job->post_status, array( 'preview', 'expired' ) ) ) {
		// Reset expirey
		delete_post_meta( $job->ID, '_job_expires' );

		// Update job listing
		$update_job                  = array();
		$update_job['ID']            = $job->ID;
		$update_job['post_status']   = get_option( 'job_manager_submission_requires_approval' ) ? 'pending' : 'publish';
		$update_job['post_date']     = current_time( 'mysql' );
		$update_job['post_date_gmt'] = current_time( 'mysql', 1 );
		wp_update_post( $update_job );
add_action( 'job_manager_job_submitted', 'done_publish_job' );

You may need to remove the first line from the code.

This code snippet does the following:

  1. Remove the preview step
  2. Change preview text to ‘Submit Job’
  3. Manually publish job (as the preview handler normally does this)