Resume Manager: Overriding Templates

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The following template files are included with this plugin:

Template File NamePurpose
access-denied-browse-resumes.phpA message which is displayed when the user doesn’t have permission to browse resumes on the frontend.
access-denied-contact-details.phpA message which is displayed when the user doesn’t have permission to see a users contact details on the frontend.
access-denied-single-resume.phpA message which is displayed when the user doesn’t have permission to view a single resume.
account-signin.phpThe signin area/field shown on the resume submission form.
apply-with-resume.phpThe form showed to users to apply to a job with a resume.
candidate-dashboard.phpThis is the template used for the candidate dashboard shortcode and lists user resumes, with pagination.
contact-details.phpThis template outputs the users contact details (mailto link).
content-resume.phpThis is the template used for a resume when displayed in a list ([resumes] shortcode).
content-single-resume.phpThis is the template for the single resume (when viewing it on the frontend).
resume-filters.phpThis contains filters for the [resumes] shortcode, such as keyword and location.
resume-submit.phpThis is the form used in the resume submission process.
resume-submitted.phpAfter a resume is submitted, this message is output.

To override these templates, copy them to yourtheme/wp-job-manager-resumes/