- Fix: Minor issue with a strict standard error being displayed on some instances.
You can find all the existing enhancement requests in GitHub, our external repository. Feel free to subscribe to any issue that interests you and add a comment if necessary. If the feature request you’re looking for does not appear in our repository, submit your feature request using the form below. Please note that this is NOT for support…
As of 18 November 2020, we will no longer be selling our ZipRecruiter Integration add-on on WPJobManager.com. This add-on relied on ZipRecruiter’s public jobs API which is no longer being supported. We will continue to provide support for the duration of your active subscriptions, and we have open sourced the codebase so that you may continue…
As of 2 November 2020, we will no longer be selling our Indeed Integration add-on on WPJobManager.com. This add-on relied on Indeed’s Publisher Program, which is no longer being supported. We will continue to provide support for the duration of your active subscriptions, and we have open sourced the codebase so that you may continue to…
We’ve released a new incremental version of WP Job Manager with some bug fixes. You can download the latest release here or head over to Dashboard → Updates to update your plugins from inside WordPress. Please note: While we have thoroughly tested this release, it’s always possible that we missed something, so we strongly advise you to test the update…
We’ve released a new version of WP Job Manager with some new features and bug fixes. You can download the latest release here or head over to Dashboard → Updates to update your plugins from inside WordPress. Please note: While we have thoroughly tested this release, it’s always possible that we missed something, so we strongly advise you to test…
We’d like to let you know that our WP Job Manager add-ons will be switching to a subscription-based business model one week from now, on January 29th, 2018. What does this mean for me? If you’ve purchased add-on licenses from us before, they will become one-year subscriptions only if you manually renew them after January 29th. If you’re…
It’s been a while since our last check-in — we thought it was about time to let you know what we’ve been cooking up in the WP Job Manager kitchen!
WP Job Manager is in good hands. After a while, we decided to get things moving and we created a demo site, a milestone for the new version, and we decided to actively publish articles on our blog.